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June 2020
Snap of the month
As Usual June as delivered some decent size clean swells with lovely sunshine!
Jack going warp speed out of that nug!
Photographer: @aym_dupuy
Photographer: @aym_dupuy
Little ripper!
Photographer: @aym_dupuy
Photographer: @aym_dupuy
Shred splashing about
Photographer: @aym_dupuy
Photographer: @aym_dupuy
Unknown surfer
Friend of Surfed out with a big smile!
Photographer: @aym_dupuy
Photographer: @aym_dupuy
Clean picture, clean style, Go LEE!
Photographer: @aym_dupuy
Photographer: @aym_dupuy
Unknown surfer
Travelling to the nose!
Photographer: @media_man_rhys
Photographer: @media_man_rhys
Hard stall from Muzz
Photographer: @aym_dupuy
Photographer: @aym_dupuy
WWHO in the background and a long line to ride!
Photographer: @media_man_rhys
Photographer: @media_man_rhys
Absolut legend of a man!
Photographer: @aym_dupuy
Photographer: @aym_dupuy
That board lift up the snap!
Photographer: @aym_dupuy
Photographer: @aym_dupuy
Stoke for days with that dude!
Photographer: @aym_dupuy
Photographer: @aym_dupuy
Unknown surfer
Backside hack.
Photographer: @media_man_rhys
Photographer: @media_man_rhys
James Tonksie
Classic stance, love that pic
Photographer: @aym_dupuy
Photographer: @aym_dupuy
Picture perfect as always, what a great talent!
Photographer: @media_man_rhys
Photographer: @media_man_rhys
Light bang on, turn bang on, love that pic.
Photographer: @aym_dupuy
Photographer: @aym_dupuy
The very own North Cornwall John John, infectious smile.
Photographer: @aym_dupuy
Photographer: @aym_dupuy
Glenn showing off what daily workouts allows you to do on a surfboard.
Photographer: @aym_dupuy
Photographer: @aym_dupuy
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